The job of a life coach is relatively unique. It’s a heavy responsibility to act as both guide and guru to help keep your clients on track toward achieving their goals. That’s why it’s so important to stay motivated – especially when your day job is in motivating others on a fairly regular basis.
How do life coaches stay inspired? We can each take a page from their book to keep motivated and fulfilled in our lives.
1. Life coaches set firm boundaries. You can’t take on your client’s lives or problems. Maintaining a professional distance is essential not just for the health of the client, who needs to learn how to succeed on their own, but also for the mental health of those doing the guiding.
How can you apply this to your own life? Are there people in your life who expect too much of you? Do you always give in? Learn why boundaries are important and how you can set them in a loving, yet firm way.
“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.”
~ Will Rogers
2. Life coaches remember to put themselves first once in a while.There’s a lot to be said for ‘me time.’ For someone who lives by inspiration, you must ensure you consistently replenish your energy, and your natural positivity is at the fore. That is crucial for success.
What does this mean for you? Take time for a massage or bubble bath. Read things that inspire. Schedule a date with yourself, where you concentrate entirely on you. Repeat as often as necessary to keep your mood positive.
3. Find a friend. Going it alone is never easy. Having someone you can turn to is healthy and necessary. Life coaches understand that too much time alone can lead to depression. We all need others to keep us inspired to move ahead.
A life coach would tell us we need to take time for close relationships too. Feeling connected and supported naturally leads to staying in a positive mental space, even when times are tough.
5. Journal about it. A life coach well knows the value of journaling. A gratitude journal keeps you focused on the positive things that happen each day so you can draw upon those experiences later as you need.
For you, find the magic that lies in writing about the things that go right, that you’re thankful about daily. A grateful heart breeds inspiration and keeps you from exploring the negativity just because others are.
You don’t have to be a life coach to stay confident and inspired. But you can use their tricks to keep positivity high in your own life. Staying inspired isn’t all that hard.It’s mostly about remaining aware of the world around you and remembering to look for the good first in all things.